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Professional Speaker

Brent has been a speaker on numerous topics at a wide variety of events, including a 2018 appearance at the United Nations.

Brent's Speaking Appearances Include:
School Supply

Academic Conferences

Image by Sincerely Media

National Sales Conventions


Chambers of Commerce



Open For Business

Business Associations

Video Camera

Media Events


Professional Panels

Brent has spoken on over 20 different topics.
They Include:

- American Political Issues

          (current and historical)

- Persuasive Communication

- Women's Political History

- Power and Fairness of Free Markets

- Business Turnaround

- Leadership

- Sales (Both Keynotes & Seminars)

- Business Development

- Negotiation

- Culture In Your Business

- Reason vs Emotion

- Business Funding

- Managing Commercial Bankers

- Money Laundering

- 13 Rules for Entrepreneurial Business Sucess

Contact Brent today to speak at your next event!

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